School Closing & Early Dismissal Procedures

  • Emergency Early Dismissal

    Should early dismissal be necessary, students will be transported to their homes in the same manner in which they are usually taken home at the close of the school day.

    Parents will not be permitted to enter the school campus to pick up their child in the event of an emergency.

    Emergency Contact Information

    Please be sure that your child's school office has the names, addresses and telephone numbers of individuals we should contact in the event of an emergency.

    School Closing Information

    In the majority of circumstances, the decision to close or delay school is made by 6:15 a.m. and this information is provided to the local television stations (WGRZ - Channel 2, WIVB - Channel 4, WKBW - Channel 7) and by robo call to parent telephone numbers.

    The closing information will also be posted as an alert on all Lewiston-Porter's pages.

    Effort will be made to send out notifications via our BlackBoard messaging system as quickly as possilble. Communications will be sent via phone, text, email, Facebook, and Twitter. You may call the District’s main telephone number (754-8281) to receive information when school is closed or delayed.

    The final decision lies with the parents or guardians. If you believe it is too cold, or the snow is too deep, or the weather is too unsettled, your decision may be to keep your child home. Please note: When schools are closed, all other activities, including sports practices, student activities and continuing and community education classes are also cancelled. Classes will be held virutally. Please see the emergency closing schedules for more information.