• We Are Aiming Higher!  Welcome to Lancer Nation!!!! Lewiston-Porter Department of Athletics, Physical Education, Health & Recreation Director: Brad Halgash (716) 286-7865 bhalgash@lew-port.com 


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    Thursday, Feb. 13th
    Boys Hockey
    @ Kenmore West
    Start Time- 8:40pm
    Brighton Park Arena
    251 Brompton Rd.
    Tonawanda 14150
    V/JV Girls Basketball
    @ Lancaster
    JV Start Time- 5:30pm
    Var. Start Time- 7:00pm
    Lancaster HS
    1 Forton Dr.
    Lancaster 14086
    Boys Bowling
    Sectional Championships
    Start Time - 9:00am
    Airport Lanes
    3754 Genesee St.
    Cheektowaga 14225
    Competitive Cheer
    @ Lockport
    Start Time - 5:00pm
    Lockport HS
    250 Lincoln Ave.
    Lockport 14094
    Friday, Feb. 14th
    V/JV Boys Basketball
    vs. Lockport
    JV Start Time- 5:00pm
    Var. Start Time- 6:30pm
    Lew-Port High School Gym


  • Do you have your Physical up to date?
    You may have a physical done by your personal physician,
    but a copy of ALL Pages must be received by the Nurses Office
    (and approved) in order to start your first day of practice.
    *Urgent Care or Mash Care type physicals are not accepted for Sports*
    A copy of the school physical form is below.

    Once a Lancer, Always a Lancer!!