Dr. Amy C. Ferrari, PT, DPT
Email: ferraria@lew-port.com
Hi! Welcome to Physical Therapy Services at Lewiston Porter Schools where we build on your children's strength to make "stronger" individuals in our school and our community.
If you have concerns regarding your child and his or her gross motor development I am best reached by email (above) or please call the Special Education office @ 754-8281 and they can get a message to me. Because I cover all grade levels, reaching me by phone can be difficult however if I hear from you, I will certainly call you back as soon as possible.
Skills worked on in physical therapy include mobility activities like walking, running, skipping and jumping as well as ball skills, balance and coordination activities to allow children to keep pace with their peers and classmates. These skills are necessary to access a free and appropriate public education. If a student has difficulty accessing his / or educational environment, Physical Therapy may help address these concerns.
There are various reasons why a student may have difficulty with gross motor skills which then might lead to challenges within the school environment. One such difficulty may be crossing mid-line. If your son or daughter consistently avoids reaching across his body for a toy or for food but instead moves his body so he reaches straight on with his preferred hand that may indicate difficulty in crossing mid-line. This can cause a problem with reading skills and scanning skills either in a book or paper or on a board in front of the classroom.
Below is a video demonstrating midline crossing activities you can try at home!
The video may take some time to load, please be patient. If the video appears upside down or will not run, please try switching your web browser. Viewing it from an Apple device (iphone, ipad, etc.) or using the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox may be better choices for the purpose of viewing this video.