- Lewiston-Porter Central School District
- Universal Pre-K
UPK Free Full Day Program
2025-2026 School Year
Application will open March 24, 2025 at 9am.
Application will close Aprill 11, 2025 at 4pm.
-Must live within the Lewiston-Porter School District boundaries.
-Must have a birthday between Dec. 1, 2020–November 30, 2021.
-Applicants are expected to be toilet-trained and independent in the restroom unless documentation of a medical condition is provided.
-Ability to comply with district requirements for submission of immunization records and physical documentation.
Application does not mean acceptance to the program.
We have a limited number of spaces available in the program. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces, we will move to a lottery for all eligible applicants.
Please contact Katie Meister for registration information at Kmeister@ymcabn.org
In partnership with the YMCA, we are thrilled to be able to offer a FREE full-day UPK program within the Lewiston Porter School District. Program hours are 8:50am-3:20pm.
The program is taught by UPK teachers who currently hold NYS Certification in Early Childhood Education. The Program is registered through the Office of Children and Family Services.
The UPK program follows the Lewiston-Porter District Calendar for snow days, holidays, recesses etc.
Benefits of the program:
-The program is offered at no cost to families.
-Integrated Lew-Port school experience.
-Access to school specials like physical education and library.
-Ability to ride the bus to and from school, once a child is 4 years old.
-Second Step curriculum implementation supports transition to school and social emotional learning.
-Ability to meet Lew-Port school staff and specialty teachers to ease the transition into kindergarten.
-Lunch is available at free or reduced cost through the cafeteria.
Program Curriculum: We follow the Three Cheers for Pre-K curriculum. This curriculum is also used at the Primary Education School. Students also partake in the Second Step curriculum supporting social emotional learning.
We build early literacy and numeracy through the following activities:
-Dramatic Play
-Thematic Art
-Gross Motor Play
-Building with Blocks
-Music Appreciation
-Manipulative Toys
-Connections to weekly topics
-Enrichment of motor skills
Assessment: The teachers evaluate the children using Brigance assessment tools and this will be reported to the parents at conference time.
Additional Care Options:
Before school program opens at 7am. After school program runs until 6pm. You can pick one or both program offerings depending on the care needs of your family.
The before/after care room is in the Pre-K wing of Lew-Port school. Children will be walked to class by YMCA staff if they participate in before-school care. Children will be picked up from their classroom by YMCA staff for after-school care.