• circle of children

    School Psychologist

    A school psychologist works with students, parents, school staff, and outside agencies to promote student success in school.  While our services are available to the entire student population, we are most closely involved with, and are advocates for, students who have special needs. Our training includes areas such as psychology, learning, cognition, behavior, assessment, child development, and disabilities.
    The role of a school psychologist varies depending on the needs of the school district. Some of the responsibilities of the Lewiston-Porter school psychologists are as follows:
    Psychological Evaluation - A complete psychological evaluation can provide information about a student's cognitive processing ability, learning style, memory, academic skills, social/emotional development, behavior, and more.  A psychological evaluation is also a part of the multidisciplinary process that is used to determine whether a student has an educationally related disability, such as a learning disability.
    Re-evaluation - A psychological re-evaluation is part of a multidisciplinary assessment completed at least once every 3 years for a student who has been identified through the Committee on Special Education as having an educationally related disability.
    Committee on Special Education (CSE) - School psychologists are chairpersons, or members of, the CSE. CSE meetings are held to determine a student's eligibility for special education services, develop an individualized education plan (IEP), recommend changes to an IEP, or review the progress of students who receive special education services.
    Consultation - School psychologists provide indirect service to students through consultation with parents and school staff.
    Student Support Team - School psychologists are facilitators of Student Support Teams (SSTs).  SSTs are multidisciplinary teams who use a structured problem-solving process to develop strategies and interventions for individual students in order to promote success in school.
    If you would like more information regarding school psychology services at the Lewiston-Porter School District, please contact:
    Heather Cahill, Grades K-2
    Primary Education Center 
    Christa McClemont, Grades 3-6
    Intermediate Education Center and Middle School
      754-7805 (IEC) or 754-8281 Ext. 5117 (MS)

    Gloria Colbert, Grades 7-12
    High School and Middle School
      754-7256 (HS) or 754-8281 Ext. 5117 (MS)