Attendance App

School Hours

  • Main Office Opens: 7:30AM

    Student Arrival: 8:40 AM

    School Day Begins: 8:55 AM

    Student Dismissal: 3:20-3:30 PM

    Main Office Closes: 4:30 PM 


    • Student attendance will be taken daily through the PowerSchool student management system by the teacher of record and/or school personnel.  
    • The consistent attendance and engagement of our students is paramount to student success and for their social/emotional well-being.  
    • The taking of daily attendance will be for students receiving in-person and synchronized remote learning.  
    • Synchronized remote learning includes virtual meetings through Zoom and/or Google Meet.
    • Seesaw will be used for asynchronous learning activities and daily feedback to students.
    • In the event of a remote learning day, teachers will take attendance and students must complete asynchronous assignments to be marked present.
    • A student who fails to attend on an ongoing and regular basis, will trigger communication from school personnel with the student’s family.
    • This communication can be expected from one or more of the following school personnel: office staff, classroom teacher, school social worker, and/or building level administrator(s).
    • This process is the same throughout the district and, therefore, does not vary from school to school.


    Any absence from school requires a note in PickUp Patrol from the parent or guardian as to the reason for the absence. Excused absences, according to the State Education Department, are:  sickness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather conditions, religious observance, quarantine, required to be in court, attendance at health clinics, approved cooperative work program, approved college visits and military obligations.

    Absence or tardiness for any other reason is considered unexcused, and will be entered on the student’s record.  Each student who has been absent must have their absence submitted in PickUp Patrol.

    Please report your child’s absence using PickUp Patrol by 8:30 a.m.



      • Doors will open at 8:40 a.m.; early drop-off will not be available.
      • Enter the campus via the far north entrance on Creek Road (look for Wee Care Sign) and proceed to the Primary Education Center using the campus road parallel to Creek Road. (See Map Below)
      • You will turn left to enter the inner loop directly in front of the Primary Education Center. (See Map Below)
      • Once all five cars have unloaded, a staff member will wave those cars out and the next five cars in line will move forward to unload.
      • For safety reasons, do not attempt to go around the car in front of you.  This will be strictly enforced.  All five cars will be released at the same time.


    • Exit the campus at the far north end entrance.

