Board of Education Meetings
The Lewiston-Porter Board of Education holds Regular Board meetings and Work Session, Budget Workshops Board meetings. Regular Board meetings are typically on the fourth Monday of every month and Work Sessions, Budget Workshops are held on the second Monday of every month at the Community Resource Center, board room, commencing at 6:00 pm unless noted. Special Board meetings are called as necessary. All meetings are open to the public, and a cordial invitation is extended to all interested citizens. All board meeting agendas and supporting documents are posted on the website prior to the board meeting. If you wish to have a hard copy, please contact Marisa I. Barile, District Clerk, at 716-286-7266.One of the most important duties of the Lewiston-Porter Board of Education is to listen to the public. Accordingly, time will be set aside at regular monthly Board meetings for members of the public to address the Board. Our Regular Board of Education meetings are not public meetings, but meetings held in public. At the meeting, a sign-up sheet will be provided for individuals wishing to address the Board.
- Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three (3) minutes, appoint a spokesperson if a concern is a group concern; and supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired.
- Members of the Board of Education will listen to the remarks of the speakers; however, the Board does not comment or respond to questions; but rather respond in writing if a response is necessary.
- The Board President will call your name, the speaker will then identify themselves, stating their name and then address the board.
- Personal comments toward a member of the community, staff, or Board of Education will not be considered appropriate and the Board president will direct you not to speak.
2024–2025 Board of Education Meeting Schedule:
Board Retreat Dates:
07/29/2024, 08/12/2024
Regular Board Meeting Dates:
07/29/2024(5:30pm), 08/26/2024
09/23/2024, 10/28/2024
11/25/2024, 12/16/2024
01/27/2025, 02/24/2025
03/24/2025, 04/28/2025
05/27/2025, 06/16/2025
Work Session Meeting Dates:
08/12/2024(5:30pm), 09/09/2024
10/07/2024, 11/04/2024
12/09/2024, 01/13/202502/10/2025, 03/10/2025
04/07/2025, 05/12/2025
ON/BOCES Budget & Election Meeting Date:
Annual Budget Hearing Date:
Annual Meeting/Election Date:
05/20/2025 (7:00 am - 8:00 pm)
If you have questions regarding Board of Education meetings, please contact Marisa I. Barile, District Clerk, at 286-7266 or mbarile@lew-port.com. Any changes to the date, time, or location as indicated above, will be noted on the website's main page under the announcement and the website calendar.