- Lewiston-Porter Central School District
- Attendance
School Offices & Schedules
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Attendance App
*Click the image visit Pickup Patrol online.
Call Attendance: 716-286-7253
School Hours
Main Office Opens: 7:30AM
Student Arrival: 8:40 AM
School Day Begins: 8:55 AM
Student Dismissal: 3:05-3:25 PM
Main Office Closes: 4:30 PM
The IEC school day begins with the students getting off the bus at 8:45 a.m. If you are driving your student in, they should arrive 8:40-8:55 a.m. Classroom announcements begin at 8:55 a.m.
Any student arriving after 8:55 a.m. will be considered tardy, and must be signed in.
Dismissal is at 3:30 p.m.
Any students leaving prior to 3:25 p.m. will be considered an early dismissal.
You may now notify the school of your child’s absence through the Pickup Patrol app.
Regular attendance at school is vital if a student hopes to do well. Our school district has adopted an attendance policy based upon our district’s education and community needs, values and priorities. The school district has determined that absences, tardiness and early departures will be considered excused or unexcused according to the following standards:
Excused: An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to the following, or other such reasons as may be approved by the Board of Education:
- Personal illness • Attendance at health clinics
- Illness or death in the family • Approved school field trips
- Impassable roads due to inclement weather • Approved college visits
- Religious observance • Military obligations
- Quarantine • Required court appearances
Unexcused: An absence, tardiness or early departure is considered unexcused if the reason for the lack of attendance does not fall into the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, missing the bus or oversleeping).
A student who is absent from school, for all or part of a day, must provide a valid written explanation, including the date and a specific reason for the absence/tardiness, signed by a parent/guardian. The written excuse is given to the attendance clerk upon returning to school. A student who is absent due to an appointment is encouraged to be in attendance for as much of the day as possible. Until a valid excuse is received, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Notification Process
To help increase attendance and decrease tardiness or early departures, written notification to the parent/guardian from the principal will be at 7, 14 and 21 absences. The classroom teacher will call the parent/guardian after 10 absences. Written notification of possible retention will occur at 28 absences. With the progression of written notifications, meetings will be established between parents/guardians and school personnel to discuss and implement strategies up to, and including, denial of grade level promotion.
Parent Drop Off/Pick-Up and Late Arrivals
- Doors will open at 8:40 a.m.; early drop-off will not be available.
- Enter the campus via the High School entrance and turn left on the campus road parallel to Creek Road. (See Map Below)
- You will turn right into the Middle School parking lot and drive through to the Intermediate Education Center.
- At 8:40 a.m., a staff member will direct cars to move forward for drop off.
- For safety reasons, do not attempt to go around the car in front of you. This will be strictly enforced.
- Exit the campus at the driveway next to the police station.
- Arrivals after 9:00 a.m., the parent must call the office @ 286-7254 to alert the school that the child has arrived. A staff member will open the main door for the child and escort the child into the school. The driver must remain with the child until a staff member has opened the door.
Dismissal of Grades 3-5 will be at 3:30pm
- All drivers must show their authorization sign (provided by the school) and photo identification.
- If someone other than the parent/ guardian will be picking up student(s), their parent/ guardian must enter that person's full name in the Pickup Patrol App (and they must show ID to staff to pick up the student) prior to 11 am
- For safety reasons, do not attempt to go around the car in front of you. This will be strictly enforced.
Busing and Early Dismissal
- Due to the amount of passengers allowed on the bus for social distancing, there will be no more daily bus passes. If you need to make a change for child care purposes only, please contact the bus garage at 716-219-1711 as soon as you are aware. The alternate address pick up/ drop off form is on the IEC main page of the Lewiston Porter website, scroll down to see it on the lower left side, this is submitted to the bus garage email on the form, not the school
- Parents/guardians who wish to pick up students early from school must enter this information into PICKUP PATROL, stating the reason for the early release, the time the child will be picked up, and the name of the person picking up.
- When you arrive for an early pick up, call the office @ 286-7254 to alert the school that you are here. A staff member will escort the child to your car. The driver will no longer enter the building and must have identification.