Social Media and Mental Health

    • Social Media can help adolescents develop social skills, feel less isolated, bond with their friends, and generally foster healthy development. However, it can also have a detrimental impact on teens' mental health if not used appropriately. Studies have shown that social media use in teens has led to increased levels of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, body image issues, and more. To help adolescents navigate the world of social media, please check out the resources listed below. 

      The following list of free resources is provided as a convenience for our parents. The Lewiston-Porter school district does not endorse these publications or applications.


      Weir, K. (2023, September 1). Social media brings benefits and risks to teens. Here’s how psychology can help identify a path forward. Monitor on Psychology54(6). 


The Effects of Social Media on Teenagers

  • In CRISIS? Need immediate help? Call 24/7 Niagara County Crisis Services at 716-285-3515 or call/text the Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988.