- Lewiston-Porter Central School District
- Data Privacy & Security
- Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents
Annual Notifications
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Access to Student Records (FERPA & Directory
- Asbestos Notification
- Child Abuse Hotline-NYSOCFS
- Data Privacy & Security
- Dignity for All Students Act
- Finding Information About Local Offenders
- Fire & Emergency Drills
- Foster Care & Homeless Students
- IMPORTANT- NYS Vaccination Legislation Update
- Lead Testing Information
- NYS ESSA Funded Programs Complaints
- Pesticide Notification
- Public Notices and Law
- Title IX
Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents
Parents, eligible students (students who are at least 18 years or are attending a post secondary institution at any age), principals, teachers, and employees of an educational agency may file a complaint about a possible improper disclosure of student data and/or protected teacher or principal data using this form. A privacy complaint may be made using this online form or by mailing the form to the district's Data Protection Officer at 4061 Creek Road, Youngstown, New York 14174.