Education of Students in Foster Care

  • Policy 7133

    The District recognizes the importance of educational stability for students in foster care and will collaborate, as appropriate, with the State Education Department and the local Department of Social Services to ensure that students in foster care have the same opportunity to achieve at the high-levels as their peers.

    If you have questions about foster care, please contact the Foster Care Liaison - Lynn Hewitt., Director of Special Education - at (716) 286-7249.

Education and the Homeless

  • Policy 7131

    Under the Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, the Children and Youth Program ensures educational rights and protection for children and youth experiencing homelessness.

    If your child is homeless or you know of a homeless child, please contact the Lewiston-Porter Liaison - Lynn Hewitt, Director of Special Education - at (716) 286-7249.