Annual Notifications
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Access to Student Records (FERPA & Directory
- Asbestos Notification
- Child Abuse Hotline-NYSOCFS
- Dignity for All Students Act
- Finding Information About Local Offenders
- Fire & Emergency Drills
- Foster Care & Homeless Students
- IMPORTANT- NYS Vaccination Legislation Update
- Lead Testing Information
- NYS ESSA Funded Programs Complaints
- Pesticide Notification
- Public Notices and Law
- Title IX
Title IX
Lewiston-Porter Central School District is committed to non-discrimination and recognizes its responsibility to provide for all district students and employees an environment free from sexual harassment and intimidation. Sexual harassment is a violation of the law and stands in direct opposition to district policy. Therefore, the District prohibits all forms of sexual harassment by district employees and students.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sex and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:- A student must submit to sexually harassing behavior as a condition for the successful completion of any course of study or educational or extracurricular activity, including the acceptance into or rejection from such course or activity; OR
- Conditions exist within the school environment that allow or foster obscene pictures, lewd jokes, sexual advances, requests for sex or physical contact or other harassing activities of a sexual nature, or other similar conduct that unreasonably interferes with a student’s academic performance or participation in an educational or extracurricular activity, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment.
It is the responsibility of everyone in the school community to eliminate sexual harassment. Any student who believes that he/she has observed, or is the victim of, sexual harassment shall report all incidents to any one of the district’s Title IX Officers. Dr. Michael Lewis, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services or Dr. Heather Lyon, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology, serve as the District's Compliance Officers for Allegations of Discrimination and/or Harassment (students and employees), Title VI, VII, IX, Section 504, American Disabilities Act, New York State Executive Law, Military Law and Age Discrimination in Employment Act. All questions regarding these policies should be directed to Dr. Michael Lewis.
Individuals may also call the New York State Division of Human Rights’ (NYSDHR’s) toll free confidential hotline at 1-800-HARASS-3 (1-800-427-2773) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for counsel and assistance regarding complaints of workplace sexual harassment. The hotline connects individuals with attorneys who have experience in responding to issues relating to sexual harassment and can provide pro bono assistance.
The district will conduct a prompt, thorough and (insofar as the law allows) confidential investigation of all complaints. Possible consequences for violation of the policy include suspension and dismissal. A copy of the district’s sexual harassment policy is posted in the main office and in the student services office. A Sexual Harassment Complaint form can be found below.
Related Files
Formal Complaint of Sex Discrimination or Sexual Harassment
3421 F Formal Complaint of Sex Discrimination or Sexual Harassment.pdf 183.89 KB (Last Modified on February 15, 2023)