• LPAA Mini Grants

  • 2024-2025 Mini-Grant Application
    The goal of the Lewiston-Porter Mini-Grant is to fund an activity or learning experience for students that would not be available through regular budget allocations. We realize that teachers often spend their own money on materials or items that enhance learning and instruction.  The Alumni Association hopes to offset some of these expenditures through the mini-grant process. Grant applications will be available through this LINK and must be completed by October 24, 2024.

    Potential uses for the money would be for teaching materials, guest speakers, field trip expenses, a piece of non-standard equipment, such as software, math manipulatives, etc. It is anticipated that the grants would encourage teacher creativity and enhance student learning.

    An evaluation/follow-up is to be submitted to the Association next May and will take the form of a narrative, photo essay, or an oral presentation.

    The maximum award is $500.00. Applications should be completed by October 24, 2024.

    The Alumni Committee will review and rate all the proposals The maximum award is $500.00. Winners will be notified by the end of October and a presentation will take place at the November 25, 2024, Regular Board of Education meeting. 

    Thank you for participating in the Lewiston-Porter Alumni Association Mini-Grant Program.  If you have any questions, please call Nancy Orsi at 716-745-7576.

    Nancy Orsi 

    We host one fundraiser each year in the Summer, the Jason Raby 5K Run and Walk. Please consider attending our Run which benefits mini grants like these or consider joining the Lew-Port Alumni Association. Join us in supporting the students in the Lewiston-Porter community.
    Thank you for your support of this program!