• Here are some resources to help you during your exchange program at Lewiston-Porter!


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     Google Translate 

    Google Translate  helps you translate any language to another language. Choose simple words or sentences since this is a software and may not translate whole paragraphs effectively.

    谷歌翻译可以帮助你在任意语言之间进行翻译。尽量用容易的词句,因为这只是一个电脑程序, 它并不擅长翻译段落。



    This website helps you by simplifying complicated text. Copy the difficult text into rewordify and it will become simpler to understand and read.



    Grammarly App 

    Grammarly checks your English grammar on your computer. Since this is an app, it checks your writing throughout the computer - on websites, in emails, and when you are typing a paper. First, click on "Add to Chrome it's free". Then, choose your settings and what language level you are currently at. You can choose to use Grammarly for free, or you can pay to get more advanced settings. If you want to disable/enable this on your computer, go to your internet settings, go to "more tools," and choose "extensions," and it will take you to Grammarly to disable or enable this function.

    Grammarly帮助你检查你的英语语法。因为这是一个app,所以它帮助你检查你的电脑上的全部拼写 - 无论是在网页上,邮件里还是论文中。首先点击"Add to Chrome it's free",然后选择设置语言水平。你可以选择免费使用Grammarly或者付费使用更高级的功能。如果你想在你的电脑上开启/关闭这个app,去你的浏览器设置,选择"more tools"然后"extensions",这样你就可以开启或者关闭这项功能。


    Online Dictionary 

    This website allows you to look up words in English for their English definitions. Thesaurus.com is also linked in this website, which gives you synonyms for a word of your choosing.

    这个网站让你查找英文单词和它们的解释。Thesaurus.com 也在这里,它给你一个单词的同义词。 


    Randall's Listening Lab 

    This website allows you to listen to lots of different conversations (with interesting voices) in a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. You can also answer comprehension questions to check your understanding of the listening track.

    这个网站让你听很多不同英语对话。 声音很有意思。你可以选择初、中、高级水平。你也可以回答问题来检查你听懂了多少。


    ESL Bits (Reading and Audiobooks) 

    This website allows you to listen to and read many classic and modern novels and texts. You can choose a book or novel, choose either a fast or slow reading speed, and listen to the story as it is read to you. Use this for practicing your English reading and to enjoy a good book in English!



    New Visions Social Studies

    New Visions Social Studies is a website that prepares you for the Regents Social Studies exams. It has test preparation materials, units of study, and example test questions. Use this as a study tool or preview material for your social studies class.

    这个网站可以帮助你准备纽约州社会科学考试。它有考试复习资料, 考题目录,还有考试样题。你可以用它作为学习工具或者是社会科学课程预习资料。