• Temporary Coaching License - License fee is coaches' responsibility.

    *Create your account before completing the training sessions listed below. 

    *Click "TEACH " online services to begin.

    Temp Coaching License

             Important Note:  There is a question that will ask BOCES or NYSED, you need to select NYSED.

           *Once you have applied for your temporary coaching license, notify the athletic secretary so the Superintendent's Statement can be completed by the personnel department.


    Required Courses for a temporary coaching license.

    Training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, and Discrimination in Schools:  Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training) - Fee paid by district.

    DASA Training (E1B.org)

    *This will automatically be uploaded to your Teach account upon completion.


    Child Abuse Identification - Free Training

    *Register for self-directed online training.  Make sure to click on the Registration instructions for New HSLC Users.

    Child Abuse Identification

                      *You will need to follow the instructions in Teach online to upload your certificate.


    School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) - Fee $23 payable via Pay Pal. Fee coaches responsibility.

    *Use Firefox. Must use a computer or laptop, no phones or ipads.

    School Violence Prevention

    *This will automatically be uploaded to your Teach account upon completion.